I've been looking into the possibility of trying to convert memory stick to compact flash, convert memory stick to sd, and convert memory stick to ide.
Here is what is known so far, in one convienent place...
The best thread about this topic is here:
http://www.psp-linux.org/forums/A memory stick can be controlled through the communication with the three wire half-duplex serial protocol, or through communication with the six-wire half-duplex parallel protocol.
To officially make a memory stick licensed product with sony it's going to be about $5,000 to get started. They will give you all the specs and protocols. Since we don't have $5,000 we must figure it out ourselves.
An FPGA or micro-controller would need to sit in between the two storage interfaces and convert the bits into useable data for the memory stick reader.
The FAT partitions that memory sticks use will limit the size of the drive that will work. However some advanced programming could be done to make several partitions from larger storages devices.
Basic Specifications of the "Memory Stick DUO":
Storage Capacity : 32MB/64MB
Connector Type : 10 Pin Connector
Interface : Serial Interface
Clock Speed : Max. 20MHz
Write Speed : Max. 1.50 MB/s
Read Out Speed : Max. 2.45 MB/s
Power Source (Voltage) : 2.7V to 3.6V
Outer Dimensions (W/L/T) : Approx. 21.5 X 50 X 2.8mm (with cartridge)
Approx. 20 X 31 X 1.6mm (without cartridge)
Weight : Approx. 4g (with cartridge)
Approx. 2g (without cartridge)
Some more good links on this topic: