mardi 28 juin 2005

PSP Wifi Hacked

PspPet has released source code and EBOOT files which demonstrate usage of the WiFi on the PSP. His example sets up a telnet server on the PSP. you can telnet into it from your PC and type characters which appear on the PSP screen.

The fun begins!

samedi 25 juin 2005

PSP WiFi Functionality - PSP Web Browser

Since day 1 with my PSP, I have dreamed of the ability to use the WiFi network connectivity of my PSP to connect to other networked devices. Everything in my house is IP controlled, my lights, my TV, my DVD player... All of my media (movies & music) is shared on the network. All of my websites, email accounts, and RSS feeds are accessable through the network.

The PSP to me is basically a very slick looking LCD screen with WiFi. By gaining access to that WiFi connection, developers will be able to make the PSP do crazy things. A few of the ideas I've had were:

-Adding netcode to games to make them multiplayer
-Adding 2 player network mode to the emulators
-Video/Audio/Game Download Applications
-EBoot Auto-Updater (dangerous, i know...)
-Integration with Web Services - SNMP Management
-Control and monitoring of other electronic devices (may require additional hardware)
-PVR Remote Scheduling
-PSP Web Browser
-Email App
-RSS Reader
-Video Confrencing / Video Chat (If Sony ever releases a camera, or if we can hack our own to use the USB port)
-Skype / VOIP
-Net Stumbler - Wifi access point finder / strength tester

So as you can see, getting networking functionality from the PSP is a major accomplishment for the homebrew community, and will bring a whole slew of neat applications to PSP users.

If you are a developer, there are some threads on ps2dev where some people are talking about how to get the Wifi to activate and connect to an access point. If you can add some insight please check out:

All of the networking functions are already built into the PSP firmware as you can see here:

Hell, if Sony added some of these things themselves or gave homebrew developers access to it in the first place, these programs would already have been ported over and Sony could be making some nice $$ off the hardware accessories sales, memory stick sales, and paid downloads. I'm sure all of this is in the works, but frankly, your being too slow. The technology is there... use it!

jeudi 23 juin 2005

Forced PSP Upgrades Rant

I like to use this site as a way to vent my frustrations with Sony. I dobut anyone from Sony actually reads this but in case they do I have a few words for you.

Unless it is absolutely required for a game to utilize a newer version of firmware in order to operate as it was intended, users should not have to update their machines.

If users have to choose if they want to use their PSP for playing your games or using it for homebrew, the answer is likely going to be homebrew. Please don't deny us the ability to use both. I am more than willing to pay $$ for your games if it does not run the risk of ruining my hobby, and making my PSP less useful to me.

vendredi 17 juin 2005

My First PSP Homebrew App

I did it! I've successfully installed the pspdev toolchain, modified nem's hello world code, and even added in some controller functionality to listen for button presses. Once I had some workign code that compiled, I was able to test and tweak it using pspe emulation software. After I was happy with the results I used psp homebrew 9 to automatically make swap exploit files and upload them to my memory sticks. I did the swap trick and like magic I had my first program running on the PSP.

My next trick is to figure out how to import some of the functions and modules. I've played around with stubbing in the functions within the startup.s file, and I'm pretty sure i've got the sceCtrl libs implemented properly in the program.

If anyone knows more information about the sceNet functions please send me some links. I've been looking everwhere to try to figure out how to start the network and make a socket connection. This data would be invaluable to me at this point. Meanwhile I have a lot of work to do to make a standalone version of PSP Home Control 2.0 a reality.

For detailed instructions on how to start writing your own PSP programs, follow the directions on the following URL to install the psp toolchain and eboot conversion tools:

mercredi 15 juin 2005

PSP 1.5 Crack - Confirmed Working

Yes, it is true. The PSP has been hacked. 1.5 users can now run homebrew PSP software. The discovery comes from the guys at psp-dev. The concept is pretty simple, I am suprised that it actually works, and amazed nobody found it sooner. It requires 2 memory sticks.

You put a hacked eboot on one MS, and the actual ELF executable on the second MS with the same name. When you launch the hacked eboot, you quickly swap the memory stick for another one and it runs th eunencrypted file. For some reason it does not recheck the header and it just runs the execuatable from address 0. Very strange indeed.

Meanwhile, now I finally have a way to start working on getting a web browser on the PSP. I have a lot of work to do. If anyone is intrested in setting up a project to get a browser running or if you know of an existing project, let me know.

mardi 14 juin 2005

PSP 1.5 Crack - Release in less than 24 hours

Well, once again it has been reported that the 1.5 PSP has been hacked. This time it is coming from a Spanish group called psp-dev. Normally I would have dismissed this as a fake, because so far, little proof has been released. I hope someone will prove me wrong, however, several sites such as Engadget, and are all confirming that this looks legit.

Others are claiming that this could be a virus that will wipe out PSP's. So if you see something claiming to be the loader be careful and make sure it is from a reputable source before you run it.

Time will tell if this is the real deal or not. I will be sure to update this post when it is released on June 15th at 9AM EST

Here are some links to check out related to this subject: (must register)

Video 1:

Video 2:

samedi 4 juin 2005

Smashing the Stack - PSP Buffer Overflow Exploits

If anyone atempting to do buffer overflow exploits on the PSP, I'd suggest taking a look at this article:

It explains in great details, how a stack works, the concepts behind a buffer overflow, examples on how to write shell code, and how to bring everything together using NOPs to get to the right place in memory. It has helped me a lot with understanding the concepts talked about in the wipeout browser crash thread. Hopefully will help someone else figure out how to get our own code working in there. It is not PSP specific, but the concepts are the same.

Good luck!

jeudi 2 juin 2005

Swapless PSP 1.5 exploit

The guys at PSP-DEV have done it again. They have released a new application that does not require you to swap memory sticks to run homebrew apps on your PSP. Put 2 folders in your GAME directory. First folder is the 'loader' which should have a % at the end of the directory name. The second directory has the elf file renamed to eboot.pdp and does not have the % in the directory name. When the PSP loads the first eboot it strips the % and runs the other directory with the elf. It's amazing how simple this was.

For more info:

mercredi 1 juin 2005

PSP Ram Dump

Fabre posted something that amazed me on ps2dev. I would have never thought to do this. ..

I noticed that in the technical specs, it mentions 4 MB of DRAM. Is the other 32 MB Static RAM? If it is, you could just hook up an external power source to the RAM chip, wait until a point at which the decoded modules would be in RAM, then disconnect the chip, keeping the power lines attached. Drop it in a reader, and you have all the decoded modules you need :D

This can be extremely useful to understand what is in memory so it can be exploited or crashed to run homebrew code.

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