Lately I have not wanted to post anything here because there has not been much going on. There are new emulators released every day, and the pspsdk keeps growing with new samples, which is great!... But most of what i've been reading on the other psp sites is a bunch of drama over who came first and bad people who abuse the 'scene'.
This site is not about adding to the drama, only being informative and a good source of news for the PSP. With that said, I am proud to announce the release of PSPPet's WiFi Multi Test Code 002.
It still has a few issues, but it should make it much easier to implement the PSP WiFi code in any application. This version not only allows you to type text to your PSP, but has several other tests as well. Here are the new features:
* Picker for net conguration (DHCP not supported !)
* Picker for one of four tests
* Connect timeout logic and other improvements
* More fleshed out "sockets.h"-like header (getting better, not complete)
* Sample build with the PSPSDK (version 522 or later)
New Tests:
* Test#1: mini-telnetd like app. Telnet to your PSP and it will display on the screen. Similar to the original version but now allows larger display. [TCP/IP with the PSP as the server]
* Test#2: wireless photo frame. UDP send a JPG to your PSP and it will display on the screen. [UDP/IP with the PSP as the server]
* Test#3: AiboCam/Scope viewer. Run RCodePlus or AiboLifePlus on your ERS-2x0 Sony AIBO robot dog. Shows AIBO camera image and color detection grids on the PSP. [polled TCP/IP protocol with the PSP as the client, custom video codec]
* Test#4: CLIE SpyCam Watcher. Run ClieSpyCam (URL) on your Sony CLIE PDA. Shows the camera image on the PSP. [polled TCP/IP protocol with the PSP as the client, JPG image data]